Axel Obiger I Space for Contemporary Art, Berlin
2025Hair life! Two women, two cats, go to the store. What’s for tea? On the streets of Kreuzberg, “cats” explores two stereotypes of women – the animal and the doll – oscillating between the domestic, the traditional and the instinctive. Similarly, the arbitrary is placed in a mundane, everyday-like environment to arouse curiosity by mixing the familiar and the strange.
“cats” is presented as part of CHEZ AXEL, a group exihibition, at Axel Obiger I Space for Contemporary Art, Berlin.
In challenging times, the act of coming together with others takes on increasing importance. In the kitchen, a place of transformation and hospitality, the “heart of the party,” we can get together in a relaxed way, feel at home, and keep in touch. CHEZ AXEL transposes the private kitchen into a semi-public exhibition space. The participating artists each received a recipe from Axel Obiger, which they then critiqued and transformed via their art. Through this shared dialogue, a “feast” of art came together on the opening evening; the cultural sustenance was accompanied by a cold buffet.
Concept and Performance
Patricia Woltmann & Lizzy Le Quesne
Jenny Wolf
Dallibor Janda
Supported by Bizzim Bakkal Kreuzberg and Freie Univerität Berlin/ Studiobühne
Thanks to Nancy Banfi